Everytime I get to this question with a patient, I know what they are going to say. "What?! Well I have to wipe a few times to get clean."
Well my friends, that's exactly the issue. Hyper wiping isn't normal. Normal is if you are eating your natural indigenous diet (not the nutrient void McDonalds). For example, think of those people you learn about on the discovery channel who live in isolated tribes in Africa. What happens when they are walking through the field, and suddenly feel the urge to purge? Predicament? I think not, they simply squat and then - plop! No toilet paper? No problem! They don't need it because they leave no sticky mess. They are eating a diet of whole, natural foods that they grow, forage or hunt.
Hyper wiping is a sign of excess mucous in your stools. It could indicate irritation in your gut from a variety of sources. Food sensitivities, overgrowth of bad bacteria or yeasts (known as dysbiosis), or even parasites, as well as environmental toxicants irritating the gut.
When you are aware of this sign, your naturopathic doctor will begin to try and find the cause, through a series of trial/elimination or through testing. Taking away foods that irritate your gut will provide valuable clues. Resetting the gut microbiome (the community of bugs that live in the gut) is another option. Eventually the truth will come out.
So, take a peek every time you poo. Pay attention to the amount of wiping needed per sitting. Try to correlate it to your lifestyle and begin to get a little more intimate with the jewels you leave in the throne.
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